Edited by Dianne H.B. Welsh and Ilan Alon:
Chapter in Section on Middle East:

With Shawn Carraher:
Creative Cross Disciplinary Entrepreneurship:
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Chapters and Cases:
Ramadani, V., Sadiku-Dushi, N., & Welsh, D.H.B. (2020). Women entrepreneurship in Kosovo. In R. Palalic, E. Knezevic, & L-P. Dana (Eds.), Women’s entrepreneurship in former Yugoslavia: historical framework, ecosystem, and future perspectives for the region. Cham: Springer.Ponroy, J.V., & Welsh, D.H.B. (2020). Advancing research on creativity in family firms. In A. Calabrò (Ed.), A research agenda for family business. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing (in press).
Welsh, D.H.B., Dragusin, M., & Grosu, R.M. (2019). Ch. 13, Romania’s ageing population: Entrepreneurship opportunities and challenges (pp. 327-351). In Research agenda for family business. A way ahead for the field. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 978-1-78811-6206. Welsh, D.H.B., & Carraher, S. (2018). Cases in global entrepreneurship (2nd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. ISBN 978-1-5249-5076-7. Welsh, D.H.B. (1991). The early days of perestroika: First-hand impressions. In R.M. Hodgetts & F. Luthans, International management (pp. 435-438). New York: McGraw-Hill. |
Eager, W., & Welsh, D.H.B. (1994). The new guy. In G.E. Stevens (Ed.), Cases and exercises in human resource management (6th ed.), (pp. 331-332). New York: Irwin. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Al-Fahim, I. (1997). Shopping for sunglasses at the Burjuman Center: The case of the shady buyer. In R. Hisrich, P. McDougall & B. Oviatt (Eds.), Cases in international entrepreneurship (pp. 271-272). New York: Irwin. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Al-Fahim, I. (1997). The hit and run expatriate employees. In R. Hisrich, P. McDougall, & B. Oviatt (Eds.), Cases in international entrepreneurship (p. 330). New York: Irwin. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Alon, I. (Eds.). (2001). International franchising in emerging markets: Central and Eastern Europe and South America. Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Alon, I., & Welsh, D.H.B. (Eds.). (2001). International franchising in emerging markets: China, India, and other Asian countries. Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Swerdlow, S., Roehl, W.S., & Welsh, D.H.B. (2001). Hospitality franchising in Russia for the 21st Century: Issues, strategies, and challenges. In D.H.B. Welsh & I. Alon (Eds.), International franchising in emerging markets: Central and Eastern Europe and South America (pp. 149- 170). Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Alon, I. (2001). Introduction: A look at international franchising in emerging markets. In D.H.B. Welsh & I. Alon (Eds.), International franchising in emerging markets: Central and Eastern Europe and South America (pp. 33-41). Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Falbe, C.M., & Welsh, D.H.B. (2001). NAFTA and franchising: A comparison of franchisor perceptions of characteristics associated with franchisee success and failure in Canada, Mexico and the United States. In D.H.B. Welsh & I. Alon (Eds.), International franchising in emerging markets: Central and Eastern Europe and South America (pp.233-259). Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2001). NAFTA and franchising: A post-script. In D.H.B. Welsh & I. Alon (Eds.), International franchising in emerging markets: Central and Eastern Europe and South America (pp. 260-264). Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Alon, I., & Welsh, D.H.B. (2001). Final reflections on international franchising in emerging markets. In D.H.B. Welsh & I. Alon (Eds.), International franchising in emerging markets: Central and Eastern Europe and South America (pp. 307-315). Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Raven, P., Welsh, D.H.B., & Al-Mutair, N. (2001). Starbucksinternational coffee enters Kuwait: Gateway to the Persian Gulf. In I. Alon & D.H.B. Welsh (Eds.), International Franchising in emerging Markets: China, India, and other Asian countries(pp. 229-241). Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Welsh, D.H.B., Raven, P., & Al-Bisher, F. (2001). Franchise relations in the Gulf Region: The case of the elegant shoplifter. In I. Alon & D.H.B. Welsh (Eds.), International franchising in emerging markets: China, India, and other Asian countries(pp. 243-251). Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2002). Growing pains at Lifecycle Strategies. In Fast Trac: Planning and growing a business venture field guide and instructor’s manual (pp. 325a-325e). Kansas City, MO: The Kauffman Foundation. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2002). Dr. Shingle: A roofer’s dream. In Fast Trac: Planning and growing a business venture field guide and instructor’s manual (pp.192a-192e). Kansas City, MO: The Kauffman Foundation. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Alon, I. (Eds.). (2002). International franchising in industrialized markets: North America, the Pacific Rim, and other countries. Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Alon, I., & Welsh, D.H.B. (Eds.). (2003). International franchising in industrialized markets: Western and Northern Europe. Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Alon, I. (2002). Introduction: A look at international franchising in industrialized markets. In D.H.B. Welsh & I. Alon (Eds.), International franchising in industrialized markets: North America, the Pacific Rim, and other countries (pp. 35-45). Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2002). Franchising: A 21st century perspective. In D.H.B. Welsh & I. Alon (Eds.), International franchising in industrialized markets: North America, the Pacific Rim, and other countries(pp. 47-63). Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2002). Final reflections on international franchising in industrialized markets. In D.H.B. Welsh & I. Alon (Eds.), International franchising in industrialized markets: North America, the Pacific Rim, and other countries(pp. 363-366). Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Alon, I., & Welsh, D.H.B. (2003). International franchising in Western and Northern Europe. In J. Biberman & A. Alkhafaji (Eds.), Business research yearbook: Global business perspectives (pp. 247-251). |
Alon, I., & Welsh, D.H.B. (2003). Introducing international franchising in Europe. In I. Alon & D.H.B. Welsh (Eds.), International franchising in industrialized markets: Western and Northern Europe (pp. 43-53). Chicago, IL: CCH, Inc. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Alon, I. (2004). The internationalization of franchising systems into industrialized economies. In L.P. Dana (Ed.), The handbook of international entrepreneurship (pp. 655- 666). Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Alon, I. (2004). The internationalization of franchising systems into emerging and transitional economies. In L.P. Dana (Ed.), The handbook of international entrepreneurship (pp.677-687).Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2004). Franchising: A 21st century perspective. In E. Flohr (Ed.), Master franchise contract. Munich, Germany: Beck Publishing. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2006). The Middle East is synonymousto family business. In V. Gupta, N. Levenburg, L. Moore, J. Motwani, & T. Schwarz (Eds.), Family business models in the Middle East, The compendium on family business models around the world: Ch. 3 (pp. 41- 42). Hyderabad, India: ICFAI University Press. |
Welsh, D.H.B., Raven, P.V., & Al-Bisher, F. (2006). The case of the elegant shoplifter, Shuwaikh, Kuwait. International Journal of Family Business, 3(1), 79-80. |
Welsh, D.H.B, & Al-Fahim, I. (2006). Shopping for sunglasses at the Burjaman Center: The case of the shady buyer. International Journal of Family Business, 3(1), 98-99. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Rawlings, D. (2007). Owens sawmill: A family businessfacing a social responsibility dilemma. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 9(1), 1-2. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2007). Editorial. International Journal Entrepreneurial and Small Business, 4(1), 1- 3. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Al-Bahar, A. (2007). Al-Bahar & Jacorosssi Engineering & Contracting: A study of the effect of Kuwaiti and Italian culture on human resource management after the Iraqi invasion. International Journal of Family Business, 4, 59-67. |
Welsh, D.H.B., &Al-Boluhad, M. (2007). Badriya’s short career in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Family Business, 4, 85-87. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Al-Fahim, I. (2007). The hit and run expatriate employees. International Journal of Family Business, 4, 83-85. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2007, December). Editorial. International Entrepreneurship & Management Journal, 3(4), 349- 353. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Pendleton, Y. (2009). Directselling worldwide: The Mary Kay Cosmetics story. Global entrepreneurship (pp. 281-290). Des Moines, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. |
Welsh, D.H.B., with Alon, I. (2009). International franchising and other forms of entrepreneurship. 13 Global entrepreneurship. Des Moines, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. |
Carraher, S.M., & Welsh, D.H.B. (Eds.) (2009). Global entrepreneurship. Des Moines, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Zellweger, T. (2010). Reference point-dependent investment decisions of family and nonfamily owners. In A. Surdej & K. Wach (Eds.), Managing ownership and succession in family firms: Ch. 4 (pp. 56-78). Krakow, Poland: Scholar Publishing House. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Falbe, C.M. (2010). Franchising in emerging markets. In I. Alon (Ed.), Franchising globally:Innovation, learning, and imitation: Ch. 1 (pp. 11-35). New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Carraher, S.M. (Eds.) (2011). Global entrepreneurship case studies. Des Moines, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. |
Welsh, D.H.B, & Al-Fahim, I. (2011). Shopping for sunglasses at the Burjaman Center: The case of the shady buyer. International Journal of Family Business, 3(1), 98-99. In D.H.B.Welsh, & S.M. Carraher (Eds.), Global entrepreneurship case studies(pp. 22-24). Des Moines, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. |
Raven, P., Welsh, D.H.B., & Al-Mutair, N. (2011). Starbucks international coffee enters Kuwait: Gateway to the Persian Gulf. In D.H.B. Welsh & S.M. Carraher (Eds.), Global entrepreneurship case studies. (pp. 26-36). Des Moines, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2011). Dr. Shingle: A roofer’s dream. In Fast Trac: Planning and growing a business venture field guide and instructor’s manual (pp.192a-192e). In D.H.B. Welsh & S.M. Carraher (Eds.), Global entrepreneurship case studies(pp. 38-40). Des Moines, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2011). Growing pains at Lifecycle Strategies. In Fast Trac: Planning and growing a business venture field guide and instructor’s manual (pp. 325a-325e). In D.H.B. Welsh & S.M. Carraher (Eds.), Global entrepreneurship case studies(pp. 42-44). Des Moines, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Al-Bahar, A. (2011). Al-Bahar & Jacorosssi Engineering & Contracting: A study of the effect of Kuwaiti and Italian culture on human resource management after the Iraqi invasion. International Journal of Family Business, 4, 59-67. In D.H.B. Welsh & S.M. Carraher(Eds.), Global entrepreneurship case studies. (pp. 90-98). Des Moines, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Al-Boluhad, M. (2011). Badriya’s short career in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Family Business, 4, 85-87. In D.H.B. Welsh & S.M. Carraher(Eds.), Global entrepreneurship case studies. (pp. 99-101). Des Moines, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Al-Fahim, I. (2011). The hit and run expatriate employees. International Journal of Family Business, 4, 83-85. In D.H.B. Welsh & S.M. Carraher (Eds.), Global entrepreneurship case studies. (pp. 104-105). Des Moines, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. |
Welsh, D.H.B., Raven, P.V., & Al-Bisher, F. (2011). The case of the elegantshoplifter, Shuwaikh, Kuwait. International Journal of Family Business, 3(1), 79-80. In D.H.B. Welsh & S.M. Carraher (Eds.), Global entrepreneurship case studies. (pp. 108-114). Des Moines, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. |
Rosplock, K., & Welsh, D.H.B. (2011). Sustaining the family wealth: The impact of the family office on the family enterprise. In A. Carlsrud & M. Brännback (Eds.), International perspectives on future research in family business: Neglected topics and under-utilized theories(Ch. 17, pp. 289-312). New York, NY: Springer Publishing. |
Krueger, N., Hansen, D.J., Michl, T., & Welsh, D.H.B. (2011).Thinking “sustainably”: The role of intentions, cognitions, and emotions in understanding the new domains of entrepreneurship. In T. Lumpkin & J. Katz (Eds.), Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence and growth, 13, 275-309.Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing. |
Tullar, W.L., & Welsh, D.H.B. (2012). The dark side of entrepreneurial leadership revisited. In J. D. VanVactor, (Ed.), Issues in leadership. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2014, December). Creative cross-disciplinary entrepreneurship: A practical guide for a campus wide program New York: Palgrave MacMillan. |
Carraher, S., & Welsh, D.H.B. (Eds.). (2015). Global entrepreneurship (2nd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing. |
Welsh, D.H.B. (2016). Women-owned family businesses in Africa: Entrepreneurs changing the face of progress. In M. Acquaah, (Ed.), Family businesses in sub-Saharan Africa. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. |
Welsh, D.H.B., & Hoy, F. (2017). The importance of family business to franchising. In F. Hoy, R. Perrigot, & A. Terry (Eds.), Handbook on research in franchising. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing. |